Cat’s wellbeing is completely depend on you. It’s a good idea to consider changing her overall diet from time to time, in order to make her immune stronger. For now, we’ve created a tasty recipe to cook at home, to boost her immune system and decrease unnecessary fats. We’re looking forward to your and your kitty comments!

The necessary food intake for this recipe will differ when your cat is getting older, please consider accordingly and adjust when you feel it’s needed.

The general recommendations are (per day per kg of your cat body weight):

Kitten: 90-180 Kcal
Adult: 45-70 Kcal
Senior: 50-60 Kcal

Total calories for this recipe is 1455 Kcal per kg of cooked food. For example, if your cat is adult with normal activity and weights 7kg, she requires 393 kcal (formula: 56×7) a day to keep her healthy and happy. This recipe is perfectly balanced, providing all that she needs, when you give her half in the morning and the other half in the early evening (270g in total, formula 393/1455). The only thing you need to add is some drinking water.

Please read the cooking instructions below. Have fun bonding with your furry friend!

NB: click or hover over the text in instruction or nutrition data to see details.

1 Wash
2 Weight
3 Cut
4 Cook meat
5 Cook veggies
6 Time for potato
7 Mix
8 Serving Food
Cat’s homemade recipe
Equals Multivitamins 15 g
Chicken breast 700 g
Chicken heart 50 g
Chicken Liver 50 g
Broccoli 50 g
Potatos (with skin) 100 g
Carrots raw 50 g
Linseed/ Flaxseed Oil 10 g
Eggshell raw 5 g
Nutition data
Name Requirement Supplied in This Recipe
Dry matter 100 100
Crude Protein 20 54.02
Crude Fat 9 19.5
Crude Fiber 0 1.91
Ash 0 4.88
Nitrogen Free Ext. 0 19.22
ME 4000 4835.6
Vitamin A 3300 33429.3
Vitamin D3 7 67.08
Vitamin E 38 359.28
Vitamin K3 1 1.35
Vitamin B1 5.60 5.55
Vitamin B2 4 11.64
Vitamin B3 40 204.18
Vitamin B5 5.75 47.6
Vitamin B6 2.50 18.28
Vitamin B7 0.08 0.07
Vitamin B9 0.75 2.07
Vitamin B12 0.02 0.08
Vitamin Choline 2550 3721.5
Vitamin Carotene 0 10.64
Vitamin C 0 673.52
Vitamin Betaine 0 134.27
Amino Acids
Arginine 0.77 3.60
Histidine 0.26 1.74
Isoleucine 0.43 2.57
Leucine 1.02 4.31
Lysine 0.34 4.86
Methionine 0.17 1.37
Cysteine 0 0.61
Phenylalanine 0.40 2.17
Tyrosine 0 1.86
Threonine 0.52 2.33
Tryptophan 0.13 0.66
Taurine 0.04 0.15
Valine 0.51 2.63
Alanine 0 2.81
Aspartic acid 0 4.95
Glutamic acid 0 7.27
Glycine 0 2.27
Macro Minerals
Calcium 0.29 1.05
Total Phosphorus 0.26 0.71
Magnesium (Mg) 0.04 0.26
Potassium (K = Kalium) 0.52 1.12
Sodium (Na = Natrium) 0.07 0.41
Chloride (Cl) 0.10 0.13
Micro Minerals
Cu (Cuprum = Copper) 5 6.12
Fe (Ferro = Iron) 80 87.4
Mn (Manganese) 4.8 5.2
Se (Selenium) 0.30 1.23
Zn (Zinc) 74 106.27
I (Iodine) 1.4 1.52
Fatty Acids
Linoleic Acid (LA) 5.50 12.47
α Linoleic Acid (ALA) 0 9.32
Arachidonic Acid (AA) 0.06 0.30
Eicosa Pentaenoic Acid (EPA) 0 5.65
Docosa Hexaenoic Acid (DHA) 0 7.49
Total S (Saturated Fatty Acid) 0 4.36
Total PUFA (Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid) 0 6.10
Total Omega 6 0 19.10
Total Omega 3 0 24.89
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